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Yliopistokeskuspäivän juhla

30.1. klo 13:00 - 16:00

Lämpimästi tervetuloa Seinäjoen yliopistokeskuspäivän juhlaan torstaina 30.1.2025 kello 13-16 taide- ja kulttuurikeskus Kalevan Navetan Hugo-saliin.

(in English below)

Tilaisuudessa esittäytyvät vuoden 2024 aikana työnsä aloittaneet Epanet-professorit ja tutkimusjohtajat. Lisäksi tilaisuudessa puhuu Seinäjoella väitelleitä tutkijoita. Tilaisuus on suunnattu Seinäjoen yliopistokeskuksen ja Etelä-Pohjanmaan korkeakouluyhdistyksen sidosryhmille ja yhteistyökumppaneille.


klo 13:00 Musiikkia, Antti Paalanen
Kansanmusiikin sielun veljeksi tituleerattu Antti Paalanen (s. 1977) on keikkaillut viime vuosina sooloartistina laajasti ulkomailla. Antti Paalanen on koulutukseltaan musiikin tohtori. Taiteellinen tohtorintutkinto Palkeen kieli hyväksyttiin Taideyliopiston Sibelius-Akatemiassa 2015. 

klo 13:15 Juhlan avaus
rehtori Keijo Hämäläinen, Tampereen yliopisto

Epanet-professorien esittäytyminen

klo 13:25 Kiertotalous puurakentamisen liiketoiminnan kilpailueduksi: mitä alalla meneillään
Professori Anu Bask, Vaasan yliopisto

klo 13:40 Mikä ratkaisee aluekehityksen pelikentällä?
Yliopistotutkija Heli Kurikka, Tampereen yliopisto

klo 13:55 Musiikki yhteiskunnassa: marginaalit historiatietoisuuden avartajina
Professori Rantanen Saija-Leena, Taideyliopisto

klo 14:10 Teollisen arvonluonnin muutos 2010–2024
Professori Pekka Töytäri, Vaasan yliopisto

klo 14:25 Kommenttipuheenvuoro
toiminnanjohtaja Jaakko Yli-Ojanperä, Etelä-Pohjanmaan korkeakouluyhdistys


Seinäjoella väitelleet kertovat

klo 15:00 Diskurssianalyyttinen tutkimus kuntien lähijohtajien työstä
henkilöstöjohtaja Eija Pienimäki, Seinäjoen kaupunki

klo 15:15 Monipaikkaisuus uudistaa kuntalaisuutta
Tutkijatohtori Katja Rinne-Koski, Helsingin yliopisto, Ruralia-instituutti

klo 15:30 Vuoden opinnäytetyön palkitseminen
asiantuntija Mari Kekola, Seinäjoen yliopistokeskus

klo 15:35 Loppupuheenvuoro
johtaja Olli-Pekka Viinamäki, Seinäjoen yliopistokeskus

klo 15:45 Musiikkia, Antti Paalanen


Ilmoittaudu mukaan 23.1.2025 mennessä:

Saapumisohjeet Kalevan Navetalle: Saapuminen – Kalevan Navetta

Tilaisuuden järjestää Seinäjoen yliopistokeskus ja Etelä-Pohjanmaan korkeakouluyhdistys.

Lisätietoja: Päivi Alaniska, ja Nina Harjunpää,


at 13:00 Music, Antti Paalanen
Antti Paalanen (b. 1977), known as the brother of the soul of folk music, has toured extensively abroad as a solo artist in recent years. Antti Paalanen holds a doctorate in music. The artistic doctoral degree Palkee language was accepted at the Sibelius Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki in 2015. 

13:15 Opening of the celebration
Rector Keijo Hämäläinen, University of Tampere

Epanet professors’ introduction

at 13:25 Circular economy as a competitive advantage for wood construction business: what’s going on in the field
Professor Anu Bask, University of Vaasa

M.Sc. (Econ.), dos. Anu Bask holds the Epanet professorship in wood construction business development at the University of Vaasa. Bask is also Docent of Responsible Supply Chain Management at Turku School of Economics and Director of Kataja’s Graduate School of Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Her research interests focus on sustainable supply chain management, circular economy and service development through modularity. With regard to the wood construction business, the aim is to promote competitive advantage, especially from the perspective of the circular economy transition in the entire wood construction ecosystem.

at 13:40 What determines regional development on the playing field?
University Researcher Heli Kurikka, University of Tampere

HT Heli Kurikka started in spring 2024 as the leader of the Epanet research group on competence-based regional and urban development. She has worked in the Regional Development Research Group of the University of Tampere in Seinäjoki in various positions for almost ten years. Her research focuses on regional success and resilience, regional impacts of higher education, strategy and future work, and regional development practices and agency.

at 13:55 Music in society: margins broadening historical awareness  
Professor Rantanen Saija-Leena, University of the Arts Helsinki

PhD, dos. Saijaleena Rantanen is a researcher in the history of music and a docent in musicology who holds the Epanet professorship in cultural music studies at Uniarts Helsinki.
Rantanen is particularly interested in the social, political and cultural use of music in society. Rantanen’s current research project deals with the musical culture of Finnish immigrants in North America and Soviet Karelia from the late 1800s to the present day. Rantanen is also a founding member and chairman of the board of the Research Association Suoni ry, which engages in activist and social music research. 

at 14:10 Change in industrial value creation 2010–2024
Professor Pekka Töytäri, University of Vaasa

Pekka Töytäri, D.Sc. (Tech.), has worked as Epanet Professor of Entrepreneurship at the University of Vaasa for just over a year. Pekka’s research and teaching focuses on supporting companies’ development to take advantage of the opportunities created by digitalization, changing requirements and consumer expectations for innovative customer value creation. His background includes a career in international business management and as an entrepreneur in business development. Pekka has worked as a researcher and professor of industrial value creation for 15 years and has published more than 50 research articles in leading scientific journals.

at 14:25 Comments by
Executive Director Jaakko Yli-Ojanperä, South Ostrobothnia University Association

Afternoon coffee

Seinäjoki Doctoral candidates talk

15:00 Discourse analytical study on the work of municipal managers
HR Director Eija Pienimäki, City of Seinäjoki

Eija Pienimäki has completed her matriculation examination at Kokkola yhteislyseo upper secondary school. Pienimäki studied to become a physiotherapist and graduated in 2013 with a Master’s degree in Health Sciences from the University of Oulu. Pienimäki completed his Doctor of Science degree in Economics and Business Administration in 2024 at the University of Vaasa. During her career, Pienimäki worked as a physiotherapist and occupational physiotherapist and as a service manager in occupational health. After that, she moved on to the position of Human Resources Development Manager at the City of Kokkola and further to HR Director. Since autumn 2021, Pienimäki has worked as the Human Resources Director of the City of Seinäjoki.

at 15:15 Multi-locality renews municipal citizenship
Postdoctoral researcher Katja Rinne-Koski, University of Helsinki, Ruralia Institute

Katja Rinne-Koski is an administrative scientist and rural researcher working at the Ruralia Institute of the University of Helsinki in Seinäjoki, with a particular interest in local communities. Her interests are particularly related to multi-location housing and how municipal citizenship is perceived from the perspective of multi-location living. My other research themes are experiential local history research, social economy and social entrepreneurship and its significance from the perspective of local communities. Rinne-Koski defended her doctoral dissertation in administrative sciences from the University of Vaasa.

15:30 Thesis of the Year award
Specialist Mari Kekola, Seinäjoki University Centre

15:35 Closing speech
Director Olli-Pekka Viinamäki, Seinäjoki University Centre

15:45 Music, Antti Paalanen

More information

Please sign up by 23.1.2025 ttps://

Arrival at Kaleva Navetta:

The event is organized by the Seinäjoki University Consortium and the South Ostrobothnia Association of Higher Education Association.

Further information: Päivi Alaniska, ja Nina Harjunpää,

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Kalevan navetta
Seinäjoki, 60100 Suomi + Google Map