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Kampus 2030 development plan launch event

11.11.2024 klo 13:00 - 15:30

Kampus 2030 project publishes development plan for Seinäjoki riverside central campus and surrounding area

Coffee at 13-13.30

Publication event 13.30-15.30

The event is for invited guests and all interested people on the campus, in Seinäjoki, in our region. The event can also be followed remotely.

Registration will open later.

The programme will be completed.

The development plan will be published in Finnish. The event will be organised in Finnish.

The key elements of the development plan will also be published in English.

What is Kampus 2030?

Coordinated by SeAMK and carried out in collaboration with the City of Seinäjoki, the University Consortium of Seinäjoki (UCS), and the University Association of South Ostrobothnia (Epky), the Kampus 2030 project aims to create a better campus and surrounding area for students, experts, and citizens. The project will publish a development plan for the area in late autumn 2024.

The development plan is prepared on the basis of an extensive Let’s rethink the campus together survey and expert workshops. The plan proposes scenarios, visions and actions for joint engagement.

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Kalevankatu 35
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