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Open Seminar: Where does the evil live? Looking at the underbelly of AI

1.10.2024 klo 12:30 - 16:00

The seminar discusses and demonstrates the negative, unethical and criminal uses of artificial intelligence from societal perspective. How can we identify and mitigate the misuse of AI? We invite researchers and policymakers from all backgrounds to join the discussion.

The seminar is co-organized by the SYNTHETICA and EVIL AI networks. The event is free of charge, but registration is required (registration link is here).



12:30-12:45     Welcome to the seminar (Prof. Marko Siitonen & Prof. Henri Pirkkalainen)

12:45-13:30     Short talks (à 5 min)

  • Here, there, and everywhere (Prof. Tanja Sihvonen, University of Vaasa)
  • Evil dolls are here (Associate Prof. Johanna Virkki, Tampere University)
  • Where does evil live? (Assistant Prof. Tomi Laapotti, University of Vaasa)
  • Interacting with AI in physical – virtual continuum (Prof. Henri Pirkkalainen, Tampere University)
  • Being nasty to bots (University Lecturer, Dr. Riikka Nissi, University of Jyväskylä)
  • Building a digital twin of yourself (Prof. Pekka Abrahamsson, Tampere University)

13:30-14:00     Fishbowl: Disappointment in AI

14:00-14:30     Coffee break

14:30-15:30     Workshops

  • What evil can AI do in our lives?
  • What would be the perfect AI tool?
  • How can we study ripple effects?

Have a chat with us humans and a robot!

15:30-16:00 Conclusion and next steps

16:00-17:00 Join us for Cocktails after the seminar

About the organizers

SYNTHETICA examines the complex and multifaceted ripple effects and limitations of AI-human interplay in the contexts of work, business, and society. It focuses on contemporary data-driven organizations through their ICT development and application practices as well as discursive constructions that manifest the limitations of this technology. Limits will be addressed on several cross-sectional dimensions that include technical, human, sociocultural, and communicative. SYNTHETICA is a joint effort of Tampere University, University of Vaasa and University of Jyväskylä.

EVIL-AI (“evil eye”) – the Identification and Mitigation of the Negative Effects of Artificial Intelligence Agents explores and counters the dark side of AI. The aim of the project is to identify, mitigate and prevent the negative effects of AI agents. The project investigates various manifestations of malicious artificial intelligence such as chatbots, service robots, and metaverse avatars. EVIL-AI is a Tampere University project.

Further information

Juhani Linna,

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Crazy Town Tampere, 5th floor
Rautatienkatu 21 B
Tampere, Pirkanmaa
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